Corporate Partners


We will integrate LedgerScore for credit scores derived from Earn Guild earnings and rental payments.

LedgerScore's makes it simple for our players to start establishing a personal credit score when they use our Earn Guild Marketplace, or for them to use a credit score to borrow. Unlike traditional credit reporting bureaus, LedgerScore aggregates its data from cryptocurrency transactions. Every time a user sends or receives cryptocurrency, it is digitally encoded on the blockchain, where (with your consent) LedgerScore can verify your identity for blockchain transaction and cross reference it with our verified network users and business partners to establish your activity, so that you can derive a credit score.

Club Swan Partners

We use Club Swan Partners for our digital banking services: accounts, crypto wallets and payment card. They also provide fiat gateways and international payment mechanisms to global currencies for Earn Guild players.

Our Earn Guild payment card - branded specially for Earn Guild - is powered by Mastercard, and can be used by players to spend their winnings in-store and online.

Club Swan Partners complies with local laws and regulatory approvals for our digital banking services.

Last updated